Monday, December 26, 2005

(it's just like) Starting Over

Ok, I am biased. Did you really think I would say anything bad about the programme that came second in the viewing ratings on Christmas Day? From the opening scene, which was the same as the start of the new series (yay Mum and Dad for getting me the DVD series), to the steady build up (no DT for virtually 30 mins) to the hard edge which underlies the slightly flippant exterior of the new incarnation, this, I thought, was classic.

Yep there were cringe moments, but for me they worked - 'Doctor who?', I mean can they get any more cringe worthy than that? Although there was little DT throughout the opening exchanges, when he appeared, and we all knew it was coming, it was timed to perfection. As the translation kicked in and then, the Tardis doors opened - wonderful.

Ok, let's try and be critical. I think the overuse of the 'Torchwood' theme was a little overbearing - OK, there is a spin off TV series coming, but did it have to be so sledgehammered into the script? Also I thought the turn of the Harriet Prime Minister character into the 'evil' leader was a little out of sorts. And the shoe horning of the Christmas theme was a little close to the edge, I mean why send Santas and a Christmas tree to fight the Dr?

But, in gerenal I loved this, as I have loved everything, so far in R T Davis' version. I suppose there will be some point when I will lose heart but so far there is no end in sight. Dr Who is still fun, a great family favourite and we're all enjoying it. And in March when the series returns we'll get to see some more old friends - nostalgia never tasted so good.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Deadringers in funny line shock

It seems that Deadringers have been taking note from the comments left on the BBC website for ideas for the show, I presume they now use that for the majority of their script. Unfortunately they haven't taken on Andrew's comment that they should do a sketch without telling the audinece who the character is.

Caught a few minutes tonight and actually laughed at a line. There was a James Blunt impersonation and the funny line was 'Morrisey says James Blunt is rhyming slang' well it made me laugh and any mention of the cool Manc is ok by me.

If i don't blog before 25th, then a happy Christmas to you all.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Dr Who countdown

Well couldn't resist this little plug for Dr Who - The Christmas Invasion, which airs on Christmas Day at 7:00pm on BBC 1. I am a little scared just in case it doesn't live up to expectation but from the clips they've been showing I am sure it is going to be great.

As soon as it has been on, and I can, I'll post about it, and all being well it will be a positive post.

To be honest I think that Dr Who has been one of the best things to happen in 2005. It was a great reinvention of a TV programme that had run out of steam many years before.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Nice to see that others are noticing that there could be a conspiracy going on. Check out Flipping Heck for a quick post of the power of Yahoo.

But as I comment there, they seem to be influencing a whole lot more. Flickr and (why do they need so many '.' s in their name?) were the first to fall into disrepair, but also Typepad had a major outage just after Yahoo announced a deal with them and their 'beta' community 360 has been having all sorts of problems (well my little bit of it - oh i could spit)

Anyway I was wondering what else they would or could touch? Typepad is part of Six Apart, which are the people behind Live Journal and Movable type, so expect them to suffer shortly. I am now waiting for my broadband connection to die, and also my phone line to go dead because my isp is BT who are in collaboration with Yahoo.

If only Yahoo could do something that would benefit the communities they serve, such as sponsor the Take That comeback tour or be the airline for Gary Glitter's trip to Asia. They are things we could all do without. Let's breakdown the things we don't need, not the really useful sites on the web.

Now back to my tea.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Beatles sue EMI

Ok saw this on the BBC website and can't help but think something is wrong somewhere. OK, this is a lot of money and I have no love for the big music conglomerate. But hey, do the surviving members of the Beatles and their estates really need that money? I suppose they'll claim it is a matter of principle, but to be honest they haven't got my sympathy.

Although, it also smacks of Apple trying to sort out its financial issues. I wonder if the first Sir Paul heard about it was when he read the above link here - LOL. Of course he is an avid reader, what do you mean?

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Things seem to be going a lot better after the last week or so.

Some software issues seem to have been cleared up, life in general seems a bit better and, although I hasten to add this is allegedly, 1 and 1 internet are due to repay me within the next 14 days - LMAO.

To add to this Ferdinand finally breaks his duck and scores for Man Utd, which puts him slightly ahead of Diego Forlan in Utd's top scorers.

I've caught up with a lot of sleep and now feel ready to take on the world again (damn different time zones). Which means a lot of to do lists, a clear out of all the 'stuff' and a lot of contructive thinking with regard to someday/maybe lists. (I still haven't got David Allen's book, but I know all the lingo). Why mention this? Well it's because I'm not sure where cold tea is going at the moment, it has lost a bit of focus and it may simply be easier to use the other blogs and sites I have to 'get out there'. So watch this space.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

1 and 1 Internet again

Ok so pay me the refund

We already have an automatic payment to the card details we have.

No, I told you I don't have that account anymore, please pay me.

Send us the bank statements, to show that payment wasn't made and we'll send a cheque

I don't have the bank statements. I don't have the account. I told you that three times before you sent the refund invoice. And no way would I send you my bank statements even if I had them. They are private. Please pay before I have to take this further.

Ok, give us the new details and we'll do a new bank transfer. We don't send out cheques.


Sunday, December 11, 2005

I need a break

Have decided that exactly what I need right now is a break, a complete shutdown to clear my head and re-evaluate things. Unfortunatley, work is so busy I can't stop there for a while, personal issues are such that there is no room there either. The pile of cold tea cups is mounting.

I need to do a big life laundry exercise and focus on what really matters to me. Well I know what really matters but I can't seem to make any headway on those issues, both because I am unable to and because at the moment things are impracticle.

I am dues a sabbatical at work next year and to be honest it can't come quick enough. But what I ma going to do when it arives I don't know. Anyone fancy a road trip ;-)

Friday, December 09, 2005

Little Britain III

I think I've just watched my last episode.

At least we get to see the Boosh next year

Thursday, December 08, 2005

1 and 1 internet - again

Well, just a quick update. I paid the outstanding bill after being threatened with a kneecapping, well they sent it to a collection agency, because they said they would refund me for the amount of time I didn't use. And yesterday they sent me an invoice, with a credit amont on. I was going to recieve the refund.

However, there was no information on how they are going to refund me, and when this is likely to happen. Still I have the invoice - that is their first mistake mwahahaa.

Little Briain vs Christmas Do

My faith in British comedy has been revived. Why, I hear you ask, Surely Darren hasn't decided that the third series of Little Britain is worth the licence fee? No, Andrew, don't worry I haven't gone that far. So why the reason for this outburst? Well, the fact is I have found something more unfunny than Little Britain!!!! Or should that be less funny?

Yes, it was our annual works do last night, I knew I shouldn't have woken up yesterday as it was going to be one of those days. Anyway, I agreed to give a lift to Mr Hopper, as I can't remember the last time I drove people to a do, so it probably was my turn. We had a minutes silence for departed friends - we remembered you, and then I had the first shock of my life. We arrived late, becasue we didn't want to be too sociable, and when we finally got to the bar we were asked, 'are you with that lot?' 'Yes,' we replied. 'Then there is a tab running.' Well, I had to be picked up off the ground, we remonstrated with the bar staff, told them this surely couldn't be, but apparently it was so. Absolutley, bloody typical... free drink and I was driving. I could have had a couple of Ladyboys (see Alan Partridge just in case you think I've gone all gay like).

So that was pretty funny in itself but the highlight of the evening was the entertainment. If you thought Little Britain has become dull, then believe me, it is still comedy genious compared to what we had to put up with. Ok, we are a creative bunch, we are full of ideas and can come up with some pretty cool solutions to problems. But comedy demands, timing and humour. Unfortunately the comedy presented had neither. At the best of times I felt like I was in a nightmare, at the worst of times it was a parallel universe where all the atmosphere had been replaced with treacle.

Ok, break the golden blog rule and go into four paragraphs. Having said that the food was nice and so was the local company on the table - but missed you A. So comedy genii our company is not, where are Howard and Vince when I need them? (see the Mighty Boosh just in case you think I've gone all gay like)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Another week

Too much to do, too little time but...

hey, Utd won at the weekend and the Dons are now into the third round of the FA CUP. But, Berman and Bragga struck again with one of the worst Enterprise episodes ever, and that is saying something.

Life is the normal mix of highs and lows, both personally and for others I know. In fact my lows look like highs compared to what some are going through, so I don't have much to complain about.

Anyway, I've been neglecting cold-tea-recently, so whether that means I need to rething what I'm doing here, or just put a little more effort in, I don't know. In the meantime I'm back and we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Mr Myagi

Should have posted this the other day, but been a little busy. Thanks for the text Andrew, I did know.

Wax on, wax off
Wax on Waxed off
Goodbye, we will miss you

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Little Britain again

Ok, I must admit laughed tonight, particular highlights were:
Ting Tong as the Green Goddess
the slap to the guys you know what

and of course any programme with a reference to Monkey gets my vote.

Top Ten words and phrases

Welcome to a new regular feature of cold tea again - LOL, I miss Alan Partridge.

Inspired by a previous post here are my current top ten words and phrases, all are used frequently and go down well with a nice cup of tea. Credit is given for the inspiration where credit is due. And the order isn't based on usage, but just as I wrote them.

  1. Keep it together man - Monsters Inc classic
  2. Goth Juice - the Mighty Boosh, made from the tears of Robert Smith
  3. really nice
  4. Bottrop - hoping it is a place
  5. Yeah, I know - comedy crown slipped but the catchphrase still rocks
  6. That there's one damn fine coat - Sin City
  7. That's just Milky Joe in a wig - the Mighty Boosh
  8. That's just saaaaad - Alan Partridge (you really need the sound clip for this one)
  9. Enjoy the moment
  10. You have been and always will be my friend - hey, I like Star Trek, what would you expect

There were others that I was tempted to add but as children may read this I thought it best to keep it clean. I may put the X rated version on my LJ, but you'd have to find that first ;-)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Went to see the new Harry potter film over the weekend. Enjoyed it despite the normal loss of story from book to film. It was quite long and the cinema was packed with little kids, however they were all very quiet so it kept their attention.

It was a little jumpy at times and so probably deserves the 12a rating. Anyway all in all a good film, enjoyable and gripping. Good way o showing the stresses and strains that friendships go through as young people age - hey the same issues adults face ;-)

Thumbs up to cineworld aswell for a lovely tray of nachos and chillies.

Moby journal

I often visit the Moby journal, I really like the guys music and attitude. Anyhow this was posted the other day and thought it was quite interesting. So thought I'd share.


me thinks he makes a little sense

That's probably the last serious post here ;-) Still awaiting a response from 1 and 1 internet hosting (let's see if that hots up the search engines)

Friday, November 25, 2005

George Best 1946-2005

Goodbye George


Little Britain play mastercard

After a dissappointing first episode, Little Britain tried to regain their comedy crown last night. It wasn't the funny Lou and Andy sketch, it wasn't the incontinent lady as she handed the pee soaked pension book back and it wasn't a really fun fat fighters sketch.

Their salvation came in the reference to comedy gods the Chuckle Brothers, but will this trump card save the series from being another over-hyped series that has gone on for too long?

1 and 1 internet 2

Ok, the battle with 1 and 1 begins today. I will be paying my bill and they said they would refund me. I'll see if they keep their word. If not my wrath will be likened to when Cineworld in Milton Keynes ran out of chillies for their Nachos - never has such vindictiveness ran through my veins as when they got their order wrong.

Still apart from that it has been a quiet week, with the family being ill, me looking after them and trying to do as much work as possible - I need an extra few days to appear from nowhere.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Tennant, Sci-fi and channel 4

Ok, boring weekend, wasn't up to much apart from trying to learn a bit more about wordpress and other web related things.

Enjoyed the mini Dr Who episode on Children In Need and am now looking forward to the Christmas special and the new series, thought that David Tennant would be good, but always nice to have those thoughts confirmed.

Got very upset with Channel 4 over the weekend. Sat down to watch Enterprise (see my calendar) and found that they had replaced it with the Smash Hits Poll Winners party. So upset that I turned off the TV and vowed not to watch Channel 4 until they had something decent on - or next Sunday when Enterprise should be back.

This week will see the start of a manic time at work - so be prepared for gazillions of blog posts as I procrastinate instead of getting things done (small gtd).

The Times held no good reviews over the weekend so I can't moan at them, and I also quite like the frosty weather so I can't even moan about the weather. I may have to rethink what this blog is about ;-)

Friday, November 18, 2005

I don't like it

I think Little Britiain may have run its course. Watched the first episode of the new series last night and although I laughed, I have to admit that I found it a little boring. I think it suffered the same fate as Catherine Tate eg it is just a bunch of cliched characters with catchphrases, that once you have heard them there is little room for manoeuvre. Messers Walliams and Lucas have a bit more creative talent than Miss Tate and so are able to create some interesting situations for their characters. Ann performing in Stars in their Eyes was intersting (and strangely scary at the same time) but even they may be now pushing it for ideas in this third series.

No doubt I will watch the rest of the series and no doubt I will contniue to laugh at it. However, I have to admit that at the moment the comedy crown has to go to The Mighty Boosh for both originality and actual humour. Great comedy needs more than just an old woman swearing and an 'out' gay guy who hasn't had any gay experience.

I may even go so far as to say that it is time for the BBC to eat humble pie and ask Chris Morris to return.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Latino Heat

Sorry this is a shock and I have nothing to say except to look sheepishly at the camera asking what could I possibly have done wrong.


Getting fresh

No, not like that - It must be the state of your minds that makes you think in that way. No it is the start of a new week, and the weather has now taken a sharp turn toward the chilly factor. This monring the street was filled with the noise of car engines runing whilst flustered occupants scraped the windscreens with various tools. The joy of being able to walk to work.

Anyhow, I'm posting this to say that like the weather I feel a bit fresher this morning. The world seems a better place to live (partly due to the fact that I didn't watch the news over the weekend), I feel ready to try and get through the backlog of work I have (partly due to not doing much work over the weekend) and I generally had a nice weekend which means I can face the stress of work with renewed energy. (Should last about five minutes)

Just a quick plug, if anything in the adverts catches your eye, do take a little click through and see what is on offer. Support your poor typed out blogger ;-)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

She sells grapevines

I think I've posted about my recent interest in mash-ups before, but I need to tell you about a couple I recently heard. For the uninitiated a mash-up is the mixing of two or more tracks to create what can only be described as a hybrid track. It has been used by good effect by the pop industry to get a little money for itself eg by the the sugababes with their Tubeway (Gary Numan) Army track. However the best examples are to be found underground and on the net.

Anyway, the ones I just wanted to mention were a couple of tracks which have used Marvin Gaye's Heard it through the grapevine. Now I'm not a soul fella and so have never been big on Marvin, even though I think he has a great voice. But some clever chappies have mixed his vocal over the top of two of my favourite tracks to create something very interesting, if not fantastic.

The first is called My grapevine life, which mixes Marvin with Talk Talk's It's my life, and it works. The second mixes the soul legend's vocals with the Cult's She sells sanctuary and is called She sells grapevines. I think they are both great and if you're interested simply put those titles into google or yahoo and follow the links. Alternatively take a trip to Live 105's SixxMixx guru PartyBen and or MashupTownRadio and learn all about mashing.

Monday, November 07, 2005

One and One internet hosting

For no particular reason other than these are the current things that I am not happy with and am in the process of moaning about - directly.

  2. Mince tarts
  4. Any cake with almond flavouring
  5. internet service provider 1 and 1

Can you believe that my former internet hosts demand that I pay them for a service I haven't used? Fistly they sent an invoice to me which I was unable to pay due to not wanting to pay via credit card. I then cancel the account, but because the invoice was sent before I cancelled I have to pay - the full amount of three months hosting. They say they will refund once I have paid, but the reason I cancelled in the first place was that they wouldn't accept payment via paypal. Aaargh.

So without any warning and no further invoice, or demands for money, they get their collection service to write to me asking for the money, which has now cost me a further £15. Telephoning both companies is about as helpful as using sandpaper as a cure for piles. So the upshot is I have to pay out and then they refund me for the service I haven't used.

I have a funny feeling this will not be the last post on this matter!


I thought about the idea of a pun on the name but to be honest couldn't really be bothered, so in the end I just thought 'Flock it' - ha ha ha. Seriously this is an interesting piece of software. Take a trip to the website and see what you think.

It's really a glorified web browser, that integrates photos and blogging and rss feeds. Actually it could be pretty much what I've been looking for to integrate all the junk I have. Anyway I downloaded the pre beta release over the weekend and managed to play with it for about 5 minutes before I had to go and do something else, so I can't report any great revelations at the moment. Suffice to say that for a pre beta release it seemed extrememly stable, and had tons of functionality. If I manage to play a little more I'll keep you informed.

As an aside I am quite interested in the design of their site. I have noticed a trend recently in providing large type and very clear design. Is this the shape of things to come?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Nostalgia again

Well this made me laugh. It is from JonnyB's private secret diary which is a very funny account of life in Norfolk. Anyway here is the quote, if you laugh you've got the joke and are probably remembering what you got up to in the eighties. Jonny is telling the readers he is off to live in a friends house for a while and is suggesting there could be slight change to the blog:

Normal service will continue here, perhaps with a few new characters in a
different location. It will be like Joey (the hilarious spin-off from Friends
not the man on Blue Peter).

I can't stop laughing...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Web overload

If I had the time to make some tea I would but it would then go cold as I surfed my through the ever expanding world on online apps.

I seem to have overloaded myself again and need to get some sort of central repository to my 'online' life (should that still be distinct from the rest of it or has it become so intertwined that it can no longer be separated). I sometimes think that if it wasn't for cookies (which go well with tea - ha ha) I wouldn't even be able keep track of what was what in my favourites menu.

From multiple email accounts, to newsreaders, to tagging apps, to wikis, to blogs, to my own webspace with all its potentials, the online overload is everywhere. With the majority of new material going rss it should, in theory, be easier to link everything up, but at the moment there are so many vying apps that I feel the need to be involved in them all *evil grin*.

And yesterday we got the information about windowslive which seems a little vague at the moment, in beta, but potentially another repository to (un)organise my life. I do love the variety of ideas and concepts the web embraces but I really need to organise these a little better. I'll keep you informed if I find the killer app - or better still you can always point me in the right direction by leaving a comment.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

HTML heaven

Who said HTML code is evil bad and always out to get me. All I needed was a nice cup of tea, a brain that was half-awake and Dreamweaver. Yes, I do feel like I have failed and let all hardcore coders around the world down by reverting to the WYSIWYG aproach. But please let me explain. Although I did use Dreamweaver I was in the code window for working out what I needed to do, please believe me when I say that I am not letting notepad champions down - I will return ;-)

Actually one of my favourite web design packages at the moment is Namo's Webeditor. I got a free copy from PC PLus and have been really impressed. It has a simple interface and does what you ask it to. The version I have is a couple of steps down the evolutionary scale so the newer versions should be even better.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Code is out to get me

Following on from my last post where I told you all, yes it was a very interesting post, about my hassle with the table tag, yeaterday I spent what seemed like a couple of hours with another coding problem.

I am doing the html interface for a CD ROM for work, eg I can do it cheaper than the firm who were doing it and as it is simply changing links and adding a few new ones it seemed like an easy job. However when I got into the code I realised I need to add a couple of sections based on what had been coped before. But could I find out which piece of code needed copying? Yep, same answer as the HTML Hell post. To make matters worse the issue is again to do with tables. I mean how difficult can it be to find the beginning of a section, copy it and then rename the text within? So perhaps a late night tonight and I may even revert to using my trusted Hot Dog 7.03 html editor to help me understand the structure.

The Times reviews didn't hold anything worthy of a comment this weekend, but I did manage to catch Match of the Day - both 1 and 2. This does deserve a comment. I thought the aim of this program was to show football, however it seems that they are now trying to turn it into a seeding ground for untapped stand up comedy. It is like Saint and Greavsie without the aforementioned presenters, but equally unfunny. Dear BBC, please leave the football comedy to Fantasy Football.

Friday, October 28, 2005

HTML hell

Aaaargh. Ok I'm trying to set up a site with a table based layout and the firfox vs IE hassle has once again surfaced. I have it perfect in firefox but can I get it to layout right in IE? Can I ****! And can I understand what the problem is? Same answer!

I thought if you specified a table cell width it would stick to it, and in firefox it does, but in IE it doesn't. Happily the tea isn't going cold as I'm supping some stella but that isn't the issue. (And no I'm not so tipsy I've done some obscure piece of coding - the coding I did was a few days ago).

But what is the solution? Well I'll go and have a look and see if I can sort it. But at the same time I'm using the 2nd pc in the house and the monitor is playing up - although not sure if it is the monitor or the graphics card - it keeps flicking from normal size to a reduced size and it is annoying me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

How could they do this?

It must be the day for quoting The Times (I'm so livid I was almost tempted to put the 't' in The as lower case in complaint). In an article talking about Harry Hill creating a TV programme for children the author, (who isn't named on the online version - scared eh? You should be!) talks about their dislike of slapstick comedy. Ok slapstick isn't to everyones taste and each to their own, I accept that. But when it comes to the following sentence that is a step too far. After a brief journey through comedy history, listing slapstick people who they find unfunny, they then state the following:

Their contemporary equivalents are the Chuckle Brothers who manage to be both
unfunny and decidedly sinister — and not in a good way

How could they diss the comedy gods of children's TV! I may well have to write to Barry and Paul in a fit of outrage to demand that they sue for libel and then console them! How could the author say that they are sinister? What could be sinister about two middle-aged guys with northern accents, short hair, moustaches and who always hang around together?

The rest of the article is here

Bananarama review in The Times

Forgive me if I'm wrong but did anyone in the 80's ever take Bananarama too seriously? For anyone who bought, and liked listening to, their records, I am sure that part of the appeal was that it was throw-away pop that didn't take itself too seriously. Now I never bought any of their stuff but they were a laugh and there were many nights out that I found myself dancing along to their bland sound, both prior to the Pete Waterman era and during.

I read with interest the review of their new CD in The Times on Saturday and ended up not sure whether to laugh or let the tea go cold in despair at the reviwers comments

Read it here

The way the review ends by saying that their sound descends into
track after track of forgettable electro-pop that suffers from poor production and the pair’s weak singing

I am sorry but I seem to have missed something, surely that was the appeal of the group! They never were great singers, the music never was greatly produced (there is no argument as to whether Pete Waterman is anywhere near Trevor Horn when it comes to producing) and it always was forgetable electro pop that would never change the world. That was what made them the most successful girl group of the 80's!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Windows eXasPerated

So I am supposed to be working at home today and so when I sit down to turn on the PC and start working a strange thing happens. The PC already seems to be running - I'll investigate that later - anyway when I try to log on nothing happens, it's hung. So I restart and go through all the 'you did not shut down your PC' and scandisk malarky. Then when it finally gets ready to start I can't log in. Well that would be an understatement. I can log in but the log in only takes me as far as the desktop picture and nothing more. So to solve things I have to run msconfig and fortunately I somehow get to the system restore option. Luckily there is a restore point a few days back and so nothing major gets lost.

However this all took over two hours to sort out - scandisk runs terribly slow, I really should clean up the PC - and so a days work has been lost, I will now take it as annual leave but the thing is, it is just a pain.

Stil I did manage to down a couple of nice cups of tea while waiting and sorting it out ;-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Today programme 18:10:05

A quote from the BBC

'Karl Rove, often described as George Bush's brain....'

I'm not saying a thing

Monday, October 17, 2005

Ladytron II

Just caught an advert/ preview of Bleak House, the new adaption that is being shown on the BBC . The preview uses the opening track from the Ladytron CD. So if you see the advert you'll have heard the band. Check them out, they realy are worth it - well I think so, but then i do like the Cardiacs too.

Phew, just had to use recover post - it worked ;-)


OK, I think we could have some fun with this, unless April fools day has now moved into the autumn.

I don't know whether this will work though, I can't help but think that the more we have from Mr RTD will lead to a lowering of the wonderful standard set in Dr Who.

So before I whittle on too much, tyou'd best find out what I'm on about. So go here.

'The truth is out there, you know, in Cardiff'

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hard to believe

Now I am probably tempting fate here but the scenario of changing my web host has seemingly gone smooth. I did all the swapping over of domain names today and so, all being well, from tomorrow evening I can start linking things up. I've been waiting for this for over a month now because I had to change from my previous host because I wanted to pay via paypal. I then found the new host and if everything goes smooth I'll start telling you all what a good service they provide and how, if you want a host, they are the people to go to.

So do I let slip what I'm going to do? No, I'll let you all sweat for a little while, partly because I'm not sure what software to use on the sites at the moment and partly because I want to make a big song and dance when it all goes live.

I've not been well you know

Mmmm, it's slipped my mind where that quote comes from, but that just goes to show how very ill I have been. Yes, a severe bout of 'man-flu' has waylaid me. Yet here I am ready take on the world again.

I have lots of plans for the next few months and will be revealing them as I go. Suffice to say that I feel a few big changes coming in the next few months.

Bought the Ladytron CD the other day and think it is fab, it's the 1980's with a 21st century makeover. Can't recommend this highly enough, and if you get the chance to see them live go on, take it. In the meantime I have to save all my pennies so that I can go and have a listen to Tim and the boys. The Cardiacs dates are fast approaching and I still haven't got the ticket, let alone the trains fare.

Friday, October 07, 2005


OK, where do I start?
  • at the beginning?

You mean like a flashback scene, only we don't know that it is a flashback scene?

  • yea, you're getting the idea!

This will set the scene for the next two hours, of possibly the greatest sci-fi movie I have ever scene.

  • how can you say that?

Well, I did say possibly. But I am quite certain this will be there or there abouts when the revolution comes and they put me up against the wall.

  • So why the brash statement?

Simply put Serenity is a sci-fi film that isn't genre derivative. It is sci-fi but fresh. I believed in the characters and cared for them; they were real. They were funny, cruel and both human and super-human. The film was 'cool' without the need for pouring rain, darkened alleyways and eerie music (however the soundtrack was great).

I don't want to say too much because I don't want to give too much away. However, you should try and do all you can to see this film. I laughed, I almost cried and I was most definantly entertained. I never saw the TV version 'Firefly', but if it was anything like this film, then I can't understand how it was cancelled. I mean are people that stupid that they don't want to watch quality characters, story driven plots and a script that so sharp you could split the atom? Actually, looking at the people I passed on the way to work there is no need to answer that.

  • So what are you going to do Darren?

Sorry, aren't you from another film?

  • My apologies, please continue

Go and see Serenity. I am sure you'll love it.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Cinema trip

Off to see Serenity at the cinema tonight. Looking forward to seeing it (no idea what it is about apart from it's sci-fi so can relax and enjoy), and to getting a tub of nachos with chillies, mmm nachos.

Tied in to the film is an interview with Joss Whedon, the writer and director, and my blog hero Neil Gaiman, at Time magazine. You can read the interview here. Wil try and tell you what I think of it tomorrow. Ubtil them I've got a day of finishing lots of small jobs.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Get organised

Anyone who knows me will know that I am not the most organised of people. Yet this isn't because I don't try (yes I can be very trying at times). However I thought I'd let you know about a very nifty desktop solution to organisation which I'm having a look at and indeed trying to use. It is called WikiPad and just like an online Wiki is very good at organising things. Hence the reason I'm going to have a go at using it. I could prattle on for ages about what it does but you'd probably get more useful info if you go to the site - WikiPad.

It has got me thinking a lot more aboutperhaps using an online Wiki (in my web-empire) to organise my thoughts online. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Sin City

Bought this at the weekend - shouldn't have as I couldn't really afford it but needed a little pick me up and my crack dealer is on holiday ;-)

Now I liked it. I thought the visuals were stunning and the one liners were fantastic. I have never read the graphic novels but have seen plenty similar. Ok, it is very violent, and I mean very, and this was accentuated by the use of the primarily black and white filming. If you don't like violence steer clear but if you want to see Frodo turned from cute, big-footed saviour of middle earth to a crazy canibal then it could be for you.

Bruce Willis was Bruce Willis. Clive Owen was surprisingly good, and I think he may even make a good James Bond now, very much in the style of Timothy Dalton (the welsh one, for all you partridge fans) (Andrew, what you think?). Devon Aoki was frightening yet awesome as the 'tart' assassin. But my favourite of them all was the wonderful Mickey Rourke. I thought he was great in Angel Heart but this was a fantastic return for him - crazy, in-love and in need of a 'damn fine coat'.

So I liked it and it is the sort of thing I could watch over and over. I'm sure the screen capture program will be working overtime to get some of the visuals.

So some favourite lines:
  • Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen
  • That there is one damn fine coat you're wearing
  • And when his eyes go dead, the Hell I send him to will seem like Heaven after what I've done to him
  • She doesn't quite chop his head off She makes a Pez Dispenser out of him

Thursday, September 29, 2005


So much to do so little time to do it. Can't even make a cup of tea, have resorted to coca-cola instead - I am a corporate whore; sold-out to brand, just because need to stay alert and be awake.

I think come October, yep, come Sunday I am going to start a total life detox. I'll keep you all informed as I go and what I am doing. That should keep you all riveted - don't worry I'll probably lose interest come Monday. However am going to attempt it, and by total life I mean all aspects - ha ha the committment of a fool ;-)

Anyway back to work before my Desk Editor gets very dangerous with a letter opener.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Woohoo. Have found someone else to host my web empire ;-)

Not only do they accept cheque or paypal to pay - the issue with my previous host - but they are also offering a slightly better package for less money. Hopefully they wont crash the first time it runs. I'll tell you who they are once I get going but in the meantime I am very pleased with their response - online sale chat last night sorted out all my questions.

Now all I need to do is trnasfer all my domain names - hah what fun. All day meetings today so will feel shattered by the end of the day without feeling that i have achieved anything. Thanks to Katy I've been looking into GTD (Getting Things Done) have found several sites and also some interesting stationary ;-) (I like stationary) I'll tell you about this if it helps organise me and help me to finally get things done rather than have things half finished around the place.


Monday, September 26, 2005

Kendo my main man

OK, here it is. The link to the book that is topping my Christmas list this year. As seen on Jonathan Ross. I have linked to the image rather than the book beacuse if you can't find it on Amazon you've probably been in one too many half-nelsons.

The grapple manual

This looks like a great book. Not only is it put together by my all time pre-pubescent hero Kendo, but it also has a foreward by Mr World of Sport, Dickie Davies - you don't get names like that anymore. My only fear is that to make sure that the book sells they've added Hulk Hogan to the cover - now I am sure he never grappled with the likes of Mick Mcmanus and Giant Haystacks - hopefully he just has a footnote saying he existed. And so I look forward when I can open the pages and gaze longingly at Shirley Crabtree and Mr Nagasaki once again. I may even sit down especially on Saturday afternoons and relive my childhood.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Ok, I am a child of the 80's and as such I have to tell you about Ladytron. If you haven't heard about them before head over here and have a listen and watch of their new single You Destroy Everything You Touch. It is fantastic (no arguments) and you should all buy it! The video is reminiscent of Monkey on Mogadon (is that the right barbituate?) and the sound is everything Steve Strange could have been if only he had listened to Billy Currie and Midge Ure, and if he had had a very painful operation. Anyway the track is great, we're all listening and watching it in our house. We haven't been this unified since the new series of Dr Who started.

PS Did anyone see Jonathan Ross on Friday, not only did he have nostalgia aplenty when Simple Minds played but he also plugged the Kendo Nagasaki book? I feel like the world is a better place to live in.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Role models

Been thinking a bit more about the way the press has been dealing with Kate Moss and the big fuss it has caused. It then got me thinking about 'role-models' and how we idolise them and so on. This led me to the other hot news topic at the moment Mr Wayne Rooney. He is being condemned in some, well most, areas of the press for setting a bad example to young kids with his on-field, and sometimes off-field, antics. I can't help but think, hey this guy is only 19 (20 next month). When I think of all the things I used to get up to at 19 I am surprised that all he did was applaud in the face of Kim Milton Nielson...

Has anyone else noticed the resemblance between Kim and Ryan Stiles? Both seem to have extremely long necks, or should that be small heads, which emphasise the neck - biatch
Anyway my point is that we make these people into role-models when they are still only very young and 'shouldn't know better'. We only have ourselves to blame. I myself am continuinly messing things up and yet does that mean I shouldn't venture forth into the wide world incase someone copies me? No! We all make mistakes so get over it, accept it and simply try to do better next time. I think some guy back in Judea about 2000 years ago said something similar. He was, however, quite a good role model by all accounts, and what did we do to him?

Nostalgia trip

It's Friday but there is no Crackerjack. No changeover to London Weekend Television as the evening approaches.
Tomorrow's Saturday but there will be no World of Sport, Kendo Nagasaki or Shirley Crabtree and Dr Who is off the air until the Christmas special. My action man, lego and other toys have been consigned to the land that only Steve Strange could sing about (c'mon keep up, you'll get it if you think hard enough).

And to top it all, it looks like it is going to rain tomorrow. When I was young the summers were much warmer and sunnier, and weekends were never wet...

Ahh when I was young.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Too self-obsessed

Just noticed that I have been blogging about cold tea for a year now. Happy birthday was yesterday. Seems I am so self-obsessed at the moment that I am missing out on the really important things in life, like celebrating birthdays!


Aaargh. OK, we're short of money (please click on the Ads) but I thought I had managed to scrounge the cash to pay for my web-hosting where I have sooooo many projects about to break free (not wind) - including the return of disclosure. Anyway put the money into the account and changed payment details but another cheque went through and payment was refused. Ok it's my fault, actually it's not because it was into someone else's account.

Anyway upshot is I either need to beg, borrow or steal to get money into that account again, look for another hosting company that will accept paypal or find a rich benefactor to bankroll my life. In the meantime I'm going to drink some stella, listen to some great music (Dead Can Dance at the moment) and browse the net for alternative solutions. Pain is I have soooo much on the current web host that to move it all will be nigh on impossible and will take ages, plus they have all my domain names. Still I'm not Kate Moss.

Actually the press coverage of her is really hypocritical (hey I'm a guy and have always liked her doe eyes). I may elaborate why I'm so annoyed at the press but you may be able to work out when I say that I think jesus is sitting at home saying 'let him who is without sin cast the first stone'!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Fly

Aaargh, was happy posting away and reading blogs with a nice cup of tea - first cup of the day is always nice - anyway, after I clicked send, I picked up the tea and saw, floating on the top, a small fly. OK it wasn't Jeff Goldblum proportions but it totally ruined my appreciation of this fine beverage. A bit like Jeff's acting spoiling my appreciation of the films he is in - biatch!

So what's up in my life? Nm! I feel in a state of limbo at the moment. I'm waiting for a few things to happen and until they do I can't seem to focus and get on with things. I may have to resort to a to do list. However, it does give me the chance to use one of my favourit phrases. I feel like I am in a 'funk' - there done it.

On a happier note I would just like to say that to anyone who is reading, or does read, this - I love you all and wish you all a nice happy time.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


There are more ways to be knocked down and put into a vegetative state than being hit by a 'Hell's granny'. After the high comes the low.

I'll try and cheer myself up with an all-day meeting and perhaps post later.

Decided to drink lager instead - after the meeting and not post.

Monday, September 19, 2005

We all fall down

Having such a good day that I expect to be knocked down by a 'hell's granny' in an invalid carriege and be reduced to a vegetative state on my way home. Have finished some work that was taking ages to do, recieved a nice gift from my family and with the news that the Cardiacs are touring there isn't much that could make life better.

Made the mistake of wearing a shirt and tie to work today, now everyone thinks I'm off for an interview somewhere - chance would be a fine thing. I used to think that it was only at school that people would notice, comment and generally fill their tiny minds with the clothes you wore. However, when I ventured into the big wide world, I realised that 'adults' were worse. You can't wear a new pair of shoes, have a haircut or grow an extra limb without someone making an inane comment - are our lives really so empty that that is the only conversation we can have?

So next time I post I'll be able to tell you all about the disaster that will inevitably strike due to the day being 'so' good 'so' far (I'm calling fate's bluff here).

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Beyond proof there is a God

If anyone ever needed proof then here it is, beyond doubt, there is a God. The Cardiacs are doing a mini-tour and I can get (if I had the money) to all but two very easily:

6th Brighton Concorde 2,
7th PortsmouthWedgewood Rooms,
8th Oxford Zodiac,
9th Northampton Soundhausand
11th London Astoria

I can now go and praise Tim off his tiny pins

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Knowing me, knowing you, Morten Harket

Ok, it's a bit late in the day but according to my little book, today is Morten Harket's birthday. Now I have always had soft spot for the boys from Norway, Morten Harket, PÃ¥l Wankatar and Magne 'Mags' Furuholmen. Well when I say soft spot I don't mean I have ever been a fan. I mean Morten could well be David Hasselhoff's twin brother and ever since 'Mags' rode across the Top of the Pops stage on skateboard any street cred they had went right out the window - a pity 'Mags' didn't follow on his board. However for many Thursday nights down the Hippodrome in London, on Frizby Foxx night (Peter Stringfellow's lady at the time), they often played the Sun always shines on TV and I did enjoy bopping away to it.

A few years back I bought their greatest hits CD (it was about a £, so don't worry) and on first listening there was another track on the CD I quite liked. Now a couple of days ago I was well into a bottle of wine and nostalgia kicked in. I pulled out the A-ha CD remembering there was this track I liked and thought I'd listen to it (yes the wine was flowing). I didn't know what track it was and so had to skip through them all until I found it. The problem was that as the opening strains kicked in I was saying to myself, 'Oh please don't let it be that one, it's awful'. Fortunatley I finally found it and my faith was restored as it still sounded fairly reasonable. If you want to listen to it you can here and the track is called 'I've been losing you'.

So happy belated birthday wishes Morten and thanks for the songs.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tired and busy

So, I work so much yesterday that today I am knackered and yet still busy. Why do I bother? Anyway am broke already, with no sign of income till the end of the month, and still have several bils to pay - time for 'russian bill roulette' ha ha.

So before the tea gets too cold I'm off to dirnk it.

However, before I go, I just want to congratulate the boys who beat the Aussies to regain the Ashes for first time since 1987. I must admit the tears welled-up when the umpires ceremoniously removed the bails form the stumps. It feels like I achieved closure on an unhappy period in my life, a period defined by England being unable to play a game that they invented.

Monday, September 12, 2005

I can't believe it

The most critical day of the test match and I am in work. Not only am I in work but I am really too busy to keep checking on the score. Oh, well will dash home at lunch time and try and catch up. In the meantime I'm also too busy to blog - what is the world coming to? Although as you can see I have just managed a quick post. habits die hard, unlike my tea which is rapidly cooling.

Speak soon

Friday, September 09, 2005

One week survived

Well, I'm coming to the end of my first week back in the office and I have just survived. Things are still the same, the same issues are still gnawing at the heart and soul of sane people and the insane people are still in their jobs.

Having some fun though editing a new book. It has been written by 'field workers' and not 'writers', so when I say 'written by' I am using that phrase in the sense as 'sung by' would be used to describe Axel F by Crazy Frog. Now I don't claim to be a great writer, as Andrew will tell you, but I do at least try to express my views and concepts when putting finger to keypad. These peeps however, remind me of an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite number of typewriters during an outbreak of monkey flu and a particularly nasty occurence of arthritis.

Anyway see you soon.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


It's my birthday today. It seems a little strange though. With all the issues going on at the moment I don't feel like celebrating but at the same time because I am sorting out all the issues going on I do.

I've bought a bottle of wine anyway and so I'm going to have a little drink later and will listen to some music v loud, that normally brings a smile to my face.

On the plus side I'm back in the office tomorrow for work and so that should be fun, catching up with all the 'polotics' there is normally interesting to say the least. However work load is very high for a couple of weeks so perhaps some extra hours will be put in. I can then lose myself in writing and creating ideas. Also writing a book in my spare time at the moment and that needs to be finished soon so I'll be typing like mad for a while - it seems my fingertips are hard from typing these days instead of playing the guitar, I need to strum a little more frequently.

Thanks to Andrew we're now addicted to The Mighty Boosh. The kids and I have been wetting ourselves watching it on TV and the web, but the the BBC have now stopped the online shows, v cold tea for them.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I should have known better

Found this at Steve's blog and couldn't resist, however now that I have taken the quiz I'm not sure I'm none too happy with the answer. OK, I'm not a king nerd but I am well on the way. Does this mean that I will one day make a killing on the dot com market? More like I'll die fat, lonely and with my mom's dead body in the attic.

I am nerdier than 72% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Back again

Well I've been on hols and am now back fully refreshed - yeah sure.

Will speak soon - btw got bored with the layout so had a change.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Goodbye, dear friend

I had just one text, four words; perhaps the saddest four words I'll ever hear (well almost).

You can find out all the information here.

In the meantime here are the words of the text (thank you Andrew)

'Mr Bronson is dead'

Actually makes me want to shout out in reply, 'long live King Rolaaand'

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Ipaq 2

If this is posted then it means everything is working fine

Friday, August 19, 2005

Holiday time

It is that time of year when a break is arranged and the tools of work are laid down, yes, my annual holiday. A fortnight without having to think about deadlines, poor writers (not you Steve) and the incompetence of a marketing department that would make tea heated on Mt Etna freeze within a moment.

However, this year has been such a pain that I haven't:
  • had the money to book a holiday
  • had the time, thought or inclination to book one if I did have the money

Still it is a fornight off. Will that mean more time to blog? Will that mean more time with the family? Nope, it wil probably mean putting up the shed in the back garden and then writing the book, which is due to the publisher at the end of August. During this time I also have to sort out my work prospects, heal the relationship I am in and be the dad to the kids that they need. And then perhaps I may get a few moments to myself (hey, it's important for a guy read this ) which will need to include blogging , sorting out some websites I'm creating, and hopefully creating some music which I love. With all that going on I had best leave the kettle off and simply drink cold water - well I would if the rain hadn't arrived today, the day before I stop for my summer holiday.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Cold tea? I think dinner, supper and the duvet going missing all rolled into one.

Made the mistake of removing the battery, and resetting my Ipaq at the same time. Basically, my own fault, but I let the battery run down and then it wouldn't boot up, so I thought it was broke, tried the reboot, jiggle battery option and then put it on charge which got it runing, but lost all the programs and docs held on the internal memory. Wil have fun with activsync later on as I try and restore everything. What a pain.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


So at work we have a meeting for one of the range of product we produce. One of the products for this range is a 'timeline' which is A4 in size and folds out. Anyway we have had plans for a mini-timeline whcih is credit card sized and whilst the discussion for this went on the penny dropped for one of our coleagues:

'So this mini-timeline is like the timeline but smaller?'

At least that kept the tea warm

I do like Cricket

Hey, I'm back
Well I've never really been away but I've just been a little busy.

Is it me or does life seem easier when England are winning in the cricket, or actually simply playing well. This link to The Times website is great, just click on the ball-by-ball scorecard and a window opens up for you, it's like watching one of those early Sinclair Spectrum computer games.

I'm going through a bit of a blog cleanout/up at the moment as I seem to have become addicted to both reading and writing them, I have a bit of an addictive personality anyway so that is quite easy but I'm trying to turn this one into something a little more positive.

Keep tuned for what is going to happen here

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Discussion or not


I help moderate an online forum for young people aged 11-14. Now we do get a few users over that age but the majority fall within. I am getting really frustrated though by their discussions or lack of. They normally, after one or two posts, degenerate into a slanging match, where they just shout past each other and refuse to listen or even debate the issue at hand. IO am becoming more convinced that they don't want a discussion but just a place to sound off - surely they should be blogging and not involved in a forum.

Oh, and if you were wondering the vinegar smell was some going off bananas.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


There is the strange smell of vinegar in our house. I think something has gone off somewhere but I can't find it. It really is quite strong. It reminds me of the One foot in the grave episode where they had a strange smell in the living room.

Oh well any excuse to let the tea go cold.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Interesting spam

Had this amazing piece of spam from Prince Yang (yes, he of the amazing name)

"Get your custom vehicle magnets for only $38.50 a pair (12” x 24”). Two (2) colors! No extra charge for logos, graphics or rounded corners. FREE design, setup, and layout! … Get up to 4 colors for only $43.50 a pair … large sizes available!"

What a load of rubbish, although I am wondering what larger sizes they have available, can I have a 2 metre long vehicle magnet stuck on the side of my tiny Vauxhall Astra?

Friday, May 27, 2005

Sooo nice

The weather in MK today is lovely, it is warm, sunny and the wind is light and warm. It is a truly glorious day.

Unfortunately I'm stuck in the office ;-( at least I've got a cup of tea so I'd best drink it before it goes cold.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Does this work


Tried this before but didn't work so thought I'd give it another whorl. It would be great to send stuff via e-mail. So much simpler.

Darren @ home
01908 630763


Saturday, May 07, 2005


Well this seems to work and it seems to work well. This test is to see if the title option works a little better. I need to work out what I need to do to get the title working properly. I presume I should take a look at adding some templates somewhere but with v little info around it is going to be a little like walking in the dark. But hey this works.
Well let's see if this works?
If it does this could make things a whole lot easier.

Am trying to use blogbuddy and if it does work I'll def put in a nice link ;-)

Friday, April 08, 2005

Need to get away

Going through a bit of a tough time at the moment and I suppose that is way I ended up putting the pic of Walla Crag on the site. It is for me the symbol of getting away from it all and I really need to do that at the moment, however I don't know how I can achieve it. So I'll be looking at my pics and letting the tea go cold again I presume.

Friday, March 18, 2005

the view from walla crag Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005

me Posted by Hello

Monday, March 07, 2005


I spend hours, well it seemed like it, trying to get paint Shop Pro to do a couple of things I was sure it ought to be able to do. Simply to then look at the manual in all my frustration and find out that the processess I was trying to get it to do were very simple and easy and were basically automated, yet fully editable.


Friday, March 04, 2005


the one who will be going has got another job

yippee and it is in MK

Monday, February 28, 2005

Guess what?

you'll see from the previous post that the mail-to-blogger situation seems to be working. This was after repeatedly getting 'no mail alias' responses to attempted posts. However, the very next try gave the same problem, 'no mail alias'. The solution from the support team here was to change the password and try again. This worked once with the 'test' post but then didn't work with the next one.

I hope it is sorted out soon, as I want to sit in meetings and type away on the PDA, because some of the meetings i have to sit through would make chilli go cold let alone tea.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


so does it work now?

Frozen tea

If American Pie can describe the day the music died as when Buddy Holly left this mortal coil. Then today 40 years ago the laughter died. There is a tribute on the BBC site and here is the link, to one of the funniest men ever to live.

Stan Laurel

Saturday, February 19, 2005


letting the tea go cold

Episode 3?

Monday, February 14, 2005


Originally uploaded by dazzer67.
yes, it's the obligatory camera at arms length shot. After all we are guys and to ask someone else to take the shot would be against our nature

he jumped

one has gone - one called friend

Monday, February 07, 2005

Someone has to go

Well we've been told a few people will be made redundant form where I'm currently working. It isn't going to be me but there are several close friends who are possibilities. This is a real bummer as we won't know who until the end of this week.

sometimes life sucks