Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Nice to see that others are noticing that there could be a conspiracy going on. Check out Flipping Heck for a quick post of the power of Yahoo.

But as I comment there, they seem to be influencing a whole lot more. Flickr and del.icio.us (why do they need so many '.' s in their name?) were the first to fall into disrepair, but also Typepad had a major outage just after Yahoo announced a deal with them and their 'beta' community 360 has been having all sorts of problems (well my little bit of it - oh i could spit)

Anyway I was wondering what else they would or could touch? Typepad is part of Six Apart, which are the people behind Live Journal and Movable type, so expect them to suffer shortly. I am now waiting for my broadband connection to die, and also my phone line to go dead because my isp is BT who are in collaboration with Yahoo.

If only Yahoo could do something that would benefit the communities they serve, such as sponsor the Take That comeback tour or be the airline for Gary Glitter's trip to Asia. They are things we could all do without. Let's breakdown the things we don't need, not the really useful sites on the web.

Now back to my tea.

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