Wednesday, April 25, 2007

'Let us out'

I hear the cry from the washed clothes in our washing machine. 'let us out' they chorus. Of course I am not holding the clothes hostage. I am unable to let them out because the handle has broken. A full load of clothes are therefore being held hostage by the uncaring Ariston machine, until the man can come and fix the handle.

At least he is a friendly man.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

String theory?

The water pressure from our mains cold water feed is very weak.

We have damp on our wall and I don't know where it is coming from.

Some vague connection?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Tachyon TV Pilot Podcast

One of my favourite / blogs /sites over recent years, always garanteed to make me laugh, has just put up a pilot podcast. If you are at all interested in sci-fi and having a little chuckle then take a wander over to Tachyon TV and download the podcast here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Out of office emergency phone number

Walking to work today I noticed a sign that read, 'Out of office emergency telephone number'. Now this is generally a good thing. I walk past the GP so a number there would be helpful. But this notice was on the local library. Why would anyone have the need to call the 'local'* library outside of normal library times with an emergency?

'Please, I need to know, is that Stephen King novel in yet?'

'Do you have any red recycling sacks I can come and collect when you are open?'

'Could you look up onomatopoeia in the Ecyclopedia Britannica for me?'

*This isn't a major library but a local sub-branch.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

David Pleat - Idiot Football Presenter?

The evidence:

'There's Ronaldo, comparable with George Best, the incomparable George Best.'

The verdict:
