Friday, September 23, 2005

Nostalgia trip

It's Friday but there is no Crackerjack. No changeover to London Weekend Television as the evening approaches.
Tomorrow's Saturday but there will be no World of Sport, Kendo Nagasaki or Shirley Crabtree and Dr Who is off the air until the Christmas special. My action man, lego and other toys have been consigned to the land that only Steve Strange could sing about (c'mon keep up, you'll get it if you think hard enough).

And to top it all, it looks like it is going to rain tomorrow. When I was young the summers were much warmer and sunnier, and weekends were never wet...

Ahh when I was young.


Darren said...

I know I should drink more water but tea is sooo wonderful. Although I do drink it sooo weak that many think I really like hot milk ;-)

Darren said...

I do feel in need of a 'spiritual/ethical advisoe' ;-)