Thursday, October 13, 2005

I've not been well you know

Mmmm, it's slipped my mind where that quote comes from, but that just goes to show how very ill I have been. Yes, a severe bout of 'man-flu' has waylaid me. Yet here I am ready take on the world again.

I have lots of plans for the next few months and will be revealing them as I go. Suffice to say that I feel a few big changes coming in the next few months.

Bought the Ladytron CD the other day and think it is fab, it's the 1980's with a 21st century makeover. Can't recommend this highly enough, and if you get the chance to see them live go on, take it. In the meantime I have to save all my pennies so that I can go and have a listen to Tim and the boys. The Cardiacs dates are fast approaching and I still haven't got the ticket, let alone the trains fare.

1 comment:

Darren said...

no you understood correctly, man-flu as in a little sniffle that could really be likened to ebola