Thursday, November 03, 2005

Web overload

If I had the time to make some tea I would but it would then go cold as I surfed my through the ever expanding world on online apps.

I seem to have overloaded myself again and need to get some sort of central repository to my 'online' life (should that still be distinct from the rest of it or has it become so intertwined that it can no longer be separated). I sometimes think that if it wasn't for cookies (which go well with tea - ha ha) I wouldn't even be able keep track of what was what in my favourites menu.

From multiple email accounts, to newsreaders, to tagging apps, to wikis, to blogs, to my own webspace with all its potentials, the online overload is everywhere. With the majority of new material going rss it should, in theory, be easier to link everything up, but at the moment there are so many vying apps that I feel the need to be involved in them all *evil grin*.

And yesterday we got the information about windowslive which seems a little vague at the moment, in beta, but potentially another repository to (un)organise my life. I do love the variety of ideas and concepts the web embraces but I really need to organise these a little better. I'll keep you informed if I find the killer app - or better still you can always point me in the right direction by leaving a comment.

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