Monday, November 07, 2005


I thought about the idea of a pun on the name but to be honest couldn't really be bothered, so in the end I just thought 'Flock it' - ha ha ha. Seriously this is an interesting piece of software. Take a trip to the website and see what you think.

It's really a glorified web browser, that integrates photos and blogging and rss feeds. Actually it could be pretty much what I've been looking for to integrate all the junk I have. Anyway I downloaded the pre beta release over the weekend and managed to play with it for about 5 minutes before I had to go and do something else, so I can't report any great revelations at the moment. Suffice to say that for a pre beta release it seemed extrememly stable, and had tons of functionality. If I manage to play a little more I'll keep you informed.

As an aside I am quite interested in the design of their site. I have noticed a trend recently in providing large type and very clear design. Is this the shape of things to come?

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