Friday, September 09, 2005

One week survived

Well, I'm coming to the end of my first week back in the office and I have just survived. Things are still the same, the same issues are still gnawing at the heart and soul of sane people and the insane people are still in their jobs.

Having some fun though editing a new book. It has been written by 'field workers' and not 'writers', so when I say 'written by' I am using that phrase in the sense as 'sung by' would be used to describe Axel F by Crazy Frog. Now I don't claim to be a great writer, as Andrew will tell you, but I do at least try to express my views and concepts when putting finger to keypad. These peeps however, remind me of an infinite number of monkeys and an infinite number of typewriters during an outbreak of monkey flu and a particularly nasty occurence of arthritis.

Anyway see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Wat do y meen that feeld workers carnt ryte? My frend Nathan - he is eggcellent at majik - has ritten this wunderfull set of bible reeding notes called BOG wich stands 4 Bored of God or somefink and it is ace - he reely connekts with yung peeple threw bad ryting and terribul analojies - and if anyone sez different, I am gonna kik their fukin hed in, allrite cos I am ace at everythink.

Darren said...

pissing myself