Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cold-tea-again in words

Just a quick update. Got this idea from Urban Chick who as you can see got the idea from elsewhere. And the image generation comes from here. Ultimately I think we all have the divine to thank, but perhaps I am focussing too much on the big picture for such a little post. I am tempted to get a t-shirt but surely that is self-glorification gone too far.

It is the week-in-between as far as Tuesday meetings go. It is now one week on and one week off (feel like Mr Miyagi), and this is the week off week. So no long all day meeting.


Anonymous said...

WOOHOO! No long meetings and no need to hide behind folders to snooze LOL. By all means buy the t-shirt! Buy the t-shirt! LOL You go Big Guy!

Anonymous said...

Only meeting every other week? That's got to be a big relief hasn't it?!

Steve Tilley said...

Love, 'warm web work world worst.' How we stumble over the truth.

Darren said...

'notify objectionable odd one'brought a smile to my face :-)

I may have misled things when I spaoke about the meetings. Tuesday is the day we have an all day meeting, all other meetings, of which there are many, pale into insignificance compared to Super Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I shot a man in Bletchley, just to watch him die.