Friday, October 07, 2005


OK, where do I start?
  • at the beginning?

You mean like a flashback scene, only we don't know that it is a flashback scene?

  • yea, you're getting the idea!

This will set the scene for the next two hours, of possibly the greatest sci-fi movie I have ever scene.

  • how can you say that?

Well, I did say possibly. But I am quite certain this will be there or there abouts when the revolution comes and they put me up against the wall.

  • So why the brash statement?

Simply put Serenity is a sci-fi film that isn't genre derivative. It is sci-fi but fresh. I believed in the characters and cared for them; they were real. They were funny, cruel and both human and super-human. The film was 'cool' without the need for pouring rain, darkened alleyways and eerie music (however the soundtrack was great).

I don't want to say too much because I don't want to give too much away. However, you should try and do all you can to see this film. I laughed, I almost cried and I was most definantly entertained. I never saw the TV version 'Firefly', but if it was anything like this film, then I can't understand how it was cancelled. I mean are people that stupid that they don't want to watch quality characters, story driven plots and a script that so sharp you could split the atom? Actually, looking at the people I passed on the way to work there is no need to answer that.

  • So what are you going to do Darren?

Sorry, aren't you from another film?

  • My apologies, please continue

Go and see Serenity. I am sure you'll love it.


Anonymous said...

I cried. With laughter as well as sorrow.

"Been more'n a year since I had anything twixt my nethers didn't run on batteries!"

Go out and get hold of the DVD box set of the TV show!

Darren said...

How did I know that was you're fasvourite line ;-)